Thursday, February 17, 2011


Well I'm happy to say that I'm doing relatively well on some of my goals.
I finally buckled down and imposed a limit on myself (using an awesome--and free--website). And so far, I'm feeling pretty good. Let me tell you that I HATE not eating when I want to. I have the most embarrassing lack of self-control in matters of the flesh. Wait, that sounds bad.


I lost one pound! Woot!

And Andrew has been very, very helpful in all of this. I actually rather enjoy going to the gym, and I'm feeling pretty good, so this time I'm planning on keeping it up. I think I can do this.

Ha ha

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Lydia! I feel bad that I never commented when you asked how we managed our weight... I gained weight when I got married as well and have so far lost 12 pounds! YAY! I got a dog who gives me the extra push I need to go on walks, hikes, and bike rides. I have also been working more on cooking healthier meals and learning about portion sizes. It's been a lot of work and I'm sure it will be a work that lasts my lifelong. It helps that I'm starting to like the work. A cute puppy really helps:)
