Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The subconscious of my husband works in mysterious ways...

Two days ago my husband recounted this dream to me:

"So, you know how Southwest airlines always tries to be funny with their presentation and explanation of security procedures, etc.? Well I dreamt I was on a plane and all the passengers get in and start settling down, when all of a sudden several people stood up-- they were wearing islamic prayer robes and caps; an authoritative man announced in a deep voice 'We are taking control of this aircraft,' and then they all stood there with their arms crossed, staring us down for 30 seconds. I was terrified when I realized that islamic fundamentalists were hijacking us, until they smiled and pleasantly announced: 'Please fasten your seat-belts... emergency exits are situated at the front, center and rear of the aircraft... Cell phones are not permitted during flight...' and proceeded to go through the whole spiel that you usually get before takeoff. Turns out it was the crew; they were trying to be funny."

I can't begin to imagine what kind of lawsuits Southwest would get itself in...


  1. now that is my kind of dream! That's hilarious!

  2. I really like that dream. That made my night reading that. I needed a good laugh too. Thanks Lydia.

  3. Congrats, btw, on your marriage. You sound happy. And I also wanted to comment on the post you did the other day on the social experiment that economics professor did with his students. It was very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
