Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I have a confession to make:

I'm Twitter-pated.

Seriously, I've spent the past few days figuring out this whole thing and now I'm hooked. I probably like it so much because it's news, nonstop, right now.

Just to think that this simple tool played a small part in the uprisings in the Middle East is incredible. It's pretty exciting to find people that are in the middle of the action and follow what they're saying. And I love the immediacy of it all. Twitter is a reporter's dream, on steroids: I can have immediate access to people as they are protesting on Tahrir square!

It's amazing what you can do with this! For example, follow the Utah Senate and BAM you have instant updates on what bills got passed and other relevant info. Follow a politician and get a feel for where his campaign may or may not be leading. Provo Mayor? You know what's going on in your community. And of course, follow friends, although not many of my friends are on twitter that I know of. (Hey, come on over to the dark side! Find me @LydiaDN)

And in the end, what's most amazing is the possibilities that this new format is bringing. Oh, the things I could do with an iPhone...

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