Monday, April 19, 2010

On reporters...

One of the things I appreciate the most about my broadcast teachers is that they are real, honest-to-goodness, down-to-earth human beings. Not fancy shmancy academics (although I do love academic learning, but let's face it, a lot of very intelligent people have high opinions of themselves and live outside of the realm of "normalcy..." whatever that might be), not terribly arrogant either, but just real people that are good at what they do. I think that's because ideally, a reporter should be a... normal human being! Somebody likable enough to be on TV and not irritate viewers' brains out, someone with a sense of humor, someone who can handle stress... and someone who can deal with all kinds of people. I get the impression that seasoned reporters develop a great deal of empathy, without getting too involved themselves. I feel like they've found just the right balance of curiosity in all aspects of life, yet they can stay detached from all the drama.
Good reporters have a good sense of self-respect and take care of their appearance, without looking too over-the-top runway-model-ish. They have a pleasant voice and know how to talk like REAL people; they can get in a conversation with a rock and still come out looking intelligent. And they make you feel like you're the most important person in the world when they talk to you.

That's just the short list of qualities a good reporter should have, a list of qualities that I'm going to try hard to obtain.

Basically, I think good reporters make not only good professionals but also awesome, interesting human beings.

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