Thursday, April 1, 2010

O-O (eyes popping out of my head)

"one of the new law’s [from health care bill] benefits would be to ban the denial of health coverage to women who have had a prior Caesarean section or been victims of domestic violence. Some companies providing individual policies have refused coverage in those circumstances, regarding Caesareans or beatings as pre-existing conditions that were likely to be predictors of higher expenses in the future."

wow. so if you're beaten up by your husband and finally gather up the courage to leave, you not only get to put the pieces of your life back together, but insurance companies get to make more money off you.

Read more here:

I understand that it makes sense in a way that pregnancy would be a preexisting condition: if you've had a baby once, it generally means you're able to have one and are capable of making more. I guess if you've never had a kid there's no way of telling that you're not sterile or something. I don't know. And if I remember/understood correctly, once you've had a C-section you have to deliver that way every time after, more expensive etc etc... so fine, it makes sense.
But a woman who's been beaten???!!!
Insurance companies are the devil.

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