Wednesday, March 17, 2010


... I wish could just dance. Yeah it would be stressful and hard and lots of time, but it wouldn't be NERVE-RACKING. Broadcast is kicking my trash. It's hard and takes SO MUCH time, and sure I love it when I'm actually doing it, but the whole pre-interview period is just a complete NIGHTMARE!
What am I going to talk about? Who am I going to talk to? Who am I allowed to talk to? Who will actually talk to me? Who is available after 3 pm? (yeah... not a ton of time for anybody in an office!)


Every night before I go reporting, I have a huge pit in my stomach-- what if everything goes terribly wrong?! It's not like a paper where at least you can BS it and have SOMETHING to give in-- no interview, no video, no video, no story. Period.

Anyway--the feeling goes away as soon as I'm done with my story though, only to reappear the next week... But I can do this! I just have to survive.

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