Monday, September 1, 2008

Back to school

I love the Back-to-school season more than any other (except Christmas). I love carefully opening and smelling my new textbooks, I love the rustle of brand-new sheets of paper on a perfectly untouched legal pad, I love dumping out the pens from their packet into my pen drawer and placing everything just so into my backpack. Yes, I am a nerd deep down inside, in more way than one.

But what I love most about this special time is the atmosphere.

I love the slight change in climate, that cool wind instead of the hot air from all summer long. I love reorganizing my room and putting everything in its perfect place, and being completely prepared. And I feel like I could do anything. No, I am not afraid to take Political Science 170, because I'm excited to learn about international relations! I can't wait for all my auditions and I can't wait to start dancing again. I feel as if, this time, I can do it right.
It's a new start, a chance to get things right, to really be the kind of person I want to be, to accomplish all my goals, and to just plain have fun!
And really, I think everyone feels that way a teeny, tiny bit. You know it... so let's embrace the sentiment and all prepare to have the best year ever!

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